Wanting to Go Fast – Willing To Slow Down
16 Aug 2023
Answering the call to “come” with neck-breaking speed, heart racing tenacity, a wonderfully complex vision before me coupled with an almost terrifying chasm of trainings and preparation called for endurance and tenacity.The concept of preparation for my journey to the mission field at the time seemed like lead boots hindering the commencement of my race to service.
Through slowly maturing eyes of three years on the field (I have a long way to go) I can now reflect on the wonderful and difficult challenges I have faced in ministry. I am beginning to realise that so much of my perseverance and ability to continue has been because of the tools and understanding I gained through my trainings during the necessary pre-field time and, of course, by the grace of God. Just as one stretches before a strenuous race, cautious to care for our precious muscles and ligaments, one must also consider pre-field trainings to care for our precious souls in the long term.
The great privilege of running this wonderful race of life and service with Pioneers is the crew of faithful individuals suddenly running beside you. The list of pre-field suggestions offered are not boxes to check in an ever-growing must-do list, but as wise insights and soul nourishing opportunities. It is a privileged position to prepare alongside faithful saints who have heeded the call and who are willing to share the treasures of God’s wisdom with us.
So, the race is before us, big and wide and wonderfully scary. And the anticipation is somehow hard to curb. But I implore you, to embrace the generous offers of knowledge and to grasp each treasure of wisdom with open arms and willing hearts.
Bree Monahan, an Australian Pioneers Worker in Africa