Meet the Board Helping Us Reach the World
The Pioneers Board comprises dedicated servants representing a range of church backgrounds who generously volunteer time and talent to global mission. Each loves the Lord Jesus and brings to the important task of governance expertise from valuable perspectives: church life, finance, management, theological education, healthcare and cross-cultural experience.
Pioneers National Director, Simon Longden, attends board meetings, and Chief Financial Officer, Sandra Punithan, attends in a non-voting capacity. Sandra’s professional assistance with increasingly complex finance and government compliance matters is a rich blessing.
We’ve asked each member to share briefly about themselves and why they serve on the Pioneers Board:

Judy Fitzmaurice ->1999 Board Chair / Chair of Pioneers International Council: Married to Mark, three married children, and two brand new grandchildren. On the leadership team at Macquarie Baptist Church, coordinating an English teaching ministry. Involved in medical student education. Judy and Mark served with APCM as young doctors at Rumginae Hospital in Papua New Guinea. “There is nothing more satisfying than involvement in Kingdom work. The global family of Pioneers is a praying, worshipping, passionate, diverse family united by a commitment to take the gospel to unreached peoples. It is my joy to have been part of this family for most of my adult life!”

Tim Silberman -> 2014 Vice Chair: Teaching at Sydney Missionary and Bible College, helping prepare people to serve to the ends of the earth. Undertaking PhD research about how local churches can do that better. Married to Peggy and father of three kids. “I love serving with Pioneers because of the privilege to be part of an international family of diverse people through whom God works to bring people from every nation, tribe and tongue into his Kingdom.”

Tim Macready -> 2011 Secretary: Married to Abra and dad to two children. Chief Investment Officer for Christian Super, managing the retirement savings of 28,000 Australians, and for Brightlight, allocating financial capital for financial return and positive impact. Elder at a local Presbyterian church. “I love Pioneers because of the opportunity to serve alongside a group of people who passionately want to see the name of Jesus proclaimed around the world and seeing how God is working in and through our members.”

James Gow -> 2014 Board Member Working at Logosdor, a small not-for-profit creative children’s ministry organisation: managing staff, finances and relationships with global partners. Involved in a local church, leading services and facilitating a Bible study. Married to Min and father of three. “I draw encouragement hearing how Pioneers members and their families are serving the Kingdom. It is wonderful to use skills developed elsewhere to help ensure Pioneers is governed well so practical things, personal safety and flow of finances, etc, support the work. It is encouraging to walk alongside other Board members as I learn from them.”

Graham Poole -> 2017 Board Member: Married to Linda and dad of three. A doctor in Tasmania working among refugees and in community general practice. Elder at a local church and enjoys chatting with health care workers and others to help them find their special place in God’s mission. “It is a privilege to hear stories of God raising up humble followers of Jesus to live among those who do not yet know Him. It is a joy to see passion for God, servant-heartedness and a life-giving ethos of grace embodied in these wonderful brothers and sisters.”