Sharing God’s Light in North Africa
27 Mar 2024
James* and Rachel’s* lives were transformed by the light of Christ that gave them hope for the future. Spurred on by the life-changing news of the gospel, they moved to North Africa with the hopes of sharing the light and hope of the gospel with Arab people.
When they first arrived in North Africa, they began their search for an Arabic teacher. They knew they needed to learn Arabic to be effective in their ministry among Arabs, but they didn’t want to attend a formal language school.
When they met Nura*, she was the perfect fit. Nura had previously taught other Christian workers how to speak Arabic. Through these encounters with other believers, Nura was open to hearing about Jesus. To James and Rachel’s delight, their relationship with their language tutor has been full of opportunities to share the gospel. When Nura first heard the good news of Christ she said, “If this is true, why has no one told us this before?”
As Nura listened to the good news and became increasingly curious about the person of Jesus, she began reading His Word for herself. The identity of Jesus – as the Son of God – became clear to her. She felt drawn to follow the Lord, but she was afraid of what her family might think of her.
Recently, when she visited James and Rachel for their next Arabic lesson, she told them with tear-filled eyes how she had decided to follow Christ and no longer listen to her fears. She was ready to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.
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