Risk on the field
26 Jul 2022
It was a great joy to see our brother Sam* again, along with his with wife and their 1 year old son. Sam and his family are refugees that have fled the war in Yemen, to the nearby country in which we serve. Sam professed faith in Christ last year while living in the refugee camp in the North of our country, but has recently moved to the capital, and now lives just a 15 minute walk from us. I had Sam over to our house and felt led by the Spirit to exhort him to begin more boldly and intentionally proclaiming the gospel to others. He is still new in his faith, and his living situation (with another refugee family) presents challenges in hosting and proclaiming Christ to others. “You know our house is open to all who want to hear about Christ”, I told him. “You think and pray about who you have in your life right now who needs to hear the gospel. Then invite them over to our place and we’ll proclaim the message and answer their questions together”. Sam seemed much affected by these words, and excited to begin. Just 2 days later he messaged me to say he had found someone ready to hear. “Welcome to my home tomorrow morning”, I told him. Sam and Shane*, along with Ryan*, another Yemeni, arrived the next morning, and after getting to know one another a little, for the next hour I outlined the message to them and called them to repent and believe. Both of them listened intently, and Shane asked to meet again with me privately. The next morning there was a knock at our door – Shane had walked 1.5 hours in the sun to get to me. We sat, his eyes wide as if drinking in the truth, as I answered his questions. At the start of our time, I asked him where he stood, in light of what he heard the day before. “I’m between the 2 sides”, he told me, referring to Islam and the gospel. At the end I asked him again, and right there and then he professed faith in our Lord Jesus!
- Q, a Pioneers worker serving in the Middle East