Join us in praying for EUROPE


Pray for the area of Oltenia (southern Romania) which remains quite spiritually dark, that Christian’s will shine His light here and that more people will come to have an authentic relationship with God.

Hungary – Praise God that during the lock down period several people started watching online church services and were welcomed when face to face church meetings recommenced after the lifting of the restrictions. May the church continue meeting and ministering to these new families and singles as well, who are longing for Christian fellowship.

– Annual Summer English Camp 25th July to 1st Aug:   Pray for wisdom and strength as preparations take place for the English Camp from 25th July.  There are many changes this year to manage the Covid factor, including a reduced number of campers and also ’new-to-us teachers’.  As it was not permitted to have any teachers from overseas this year, some folk from other in-country organisations have kindly agreed to help out.   Please pray as one member serves in her administry role over these two weeks, with full days preparing the various admin needs for camp.  Pray that the Lord will touch the hearts of the 60 campers, and encourage the teachers and translators, some of whom have not done this before.


Croatia – Praise God for the number of Bible believing churches that are using the web and social media to proclaim the gospel in local languages.  Pray that many more will desire to read and search out the scriptures and discover God’s truth in a world where relativism is on the increase.

Please pray that the Lord would refresh the leaders and strengthen them as they continue working under the health restrictions in place through Covid, in particular pastoral care of the member; pray that through the church extensions that God would open doors of outreach into the community; pray for the online outreach and particularly for those who are searching that they would be drawn to watch, search the scriptures and ask questions.