Practical ways for the Aussie church to get involved in global mission
15 Jan 2020
Whether you are a pastor, small group leader, part of the youth team or simply attending church on a Sunday, what could you do to help yourself and those around you get more involved in global mission in 2020?
In the children’s animation movie, ‘Roberts’, there is a catch line, “see a need, fill a need”. The line is used to inspire the hero, Robert, to save the day. It can also serve as good advice for how you might help yourself and your church get involved in global mission, let me explain. To see a need, you first need to look. To fill a need, you need you to know what is needed. Both are key for being involved in global mission and easy steps anyone can take no matter who you are or where you are.
So how, I hear you asking? Well, the good news is it’s really easy. Here are some ideas:
- Download onto your phone the Joshua Project app, “Unreached of the Day”. Each day the app will deliver to your phone the name of an unreached people group you can pray for. The app gives you some basic information about the people group and some specific ways you can be praying for them.

- Join us on Tuesdays at noon for Live Prayer on our Facebook Page. Each week at this time we pray for a nation around the world. If you can’t join us then, the prayers can always be looked at later. Why not use them to pray for those who have not heard of the gospel. Each nation is included in the vision of Revelation 7:9, a picture of every nation, tribe, people and language represented before the throne and the lamb, giving praise to him.

These simple steps will help you see the need and grow in your awareness of the task that still lies ahead of the church to take the gospel to everyone everywhere.
Of course, seeing the need, is only the first part. We then need to know how to fill the need. The good news is that while you may not be quite sure what you could do, we have people that would love to speak with you and show you how you and your church could become involved. Our Mission Mentors are equipped to help others see how they can use their giftings, skills, experiences and passions to serve those who are yet to hear. Why not contact us today and make a time to chat and take a step in 2020 to grow in your awareness and engagement of global mission.
-Wayne Forward, Member Care and Development.
Is God calling you to join the mission field? Get in touch.