Pioneers International – There’s More to be Done
29 Jan 2020
‘Follow Me and I
will make you fishers of men’
(Matthew 4:19)
Despite the ongoing work of the gospel and the continual growth of the global church, some 40% of the world remains ‘unreached’ today. Many of us here have heard the message of God’s love in Jesus Christ countless times while others are yet to hear it even once; let alone understand, grapple with and make decisions about Jesus’ astonishing claims. Praise God, people are coming to faith in Jesus in day! In fact, the work is unstoppable – yet many people live in places where there is limited witness to the gospel and very restricted access to it.
Pioneers International exists to share the gospel, make disciples and plant mission-minded churches in those places of the world. We do that in partnership with local churches – churches that send followers of Jesus to serve unreached peoples, and churches in other parts of the world that want to link arms with missionaries for the sake of others.

Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. Our responsibility? To follow Him. Jesus’ promise? To make us effective.
Pioneers has 2250 on-field workers and 550 more in training, including a bunch of Aussies. As this year unfolds, we are asking the Lord to send more workers, to sustain those serving in tough places, and to ensure a lasting difference in the hearts of individuals, families, communities and people groups.
In 2020, Pioneers has the opportunity to link more closely with the growing movements of the global church – to work prayerfully and strategically with leaders, churches, and workers of other mission movements to further impact unreached peoples. As we grow and continue to internationalise, we strive to foster a culture of reflection so that together we learn as a global church. We sense a “holy discontent” that results in a commitment to continual improvement in how we serve.

Our global teams…
- 43% serve in places that are predominantly Muslim
- 10% serve among Tribal or Animistic peoples
- 10% serve Secular peoples
- 10% serve in Catholic contexts
- 9% serve among Buddhist peoples
- 6% serve among people who adhere to Hinduism
Pioneers casts vision, mentors inquirers, provides specialty training, disciples members, encourages life-long learning, provides pastoral care, and assists with financial accountability and integrity. Our hope is to establish teams among some 50 more people groups that are not only unreached but unengaged. That is, peoples who do not have any churches among them and where there are currently no missionaries.
We are following. Will you come fishing with us in 2020?
– Simon Longden.
Is God calling you to join the mission field? Get in touch.