Our Ministry Goals for 2021
24 Dec 2020
‘Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be.’ (John 12:26).
As we look to 2021, we are asking our Lord to help us be where He is and do all things together with Him.
My husband is currently leading a team of men who are building new staff quarters and an isolation ward for the hospital. Once completed he will start construction on a new operating theatre and delivery room and classrooms for the clinical school that we hope will start midway through next year. His side projects include working on an internal intranet for the hospital so that both Christian and medical resources will be available freely for anyone visiting and helping to support those at the local bible college with technology to assist in their outreach to the unreached.

For myself, next year’s ‘ministry goals’ are still being defined. This year has been one of transitioning to this new location, settling children in, and building relationships. As a mum, I have been homeschooling my children. As a family doctor, I have been working at the hospital part-time, training midwives in ultrasound, and clinical officers in patient assessment. This will continue into next year, with more emphasis on training, as we embark on setting up a clinical school for midwives and clinical officers in 2021. My side projects, include continuing to oversee the community health evangelism project in the refugee camp and looking at how we can transition this project up to the mountains.

We are also working together with the churches to coordinate a year of prayer for this region. It is roughly one hundred years since the first missionaries arrived here. To celebrate what He has done and consecrate ourselves as His body for the next century of mission here in the mountains, we desire to bring all the churches together to cover this land and its people in prayer. So, we are writing and compiling stories from the church to put together a prayer guide for 2021. We expect as hearts unite in the churches here and around the world for this place we will see the Lord do beautiful things in bringing the lost people groups home, healing the broken hearted and setting the captives free.
As we walked to church yesterday, I asked my husband my favourite question. ‘What is the Lord teaching you at the moment’? His reply, ‘that walking in His peace is one of the loudest testimonies for His Kingdom and that the reverse is one of the biggest turn-offs.’

So as we look ahead to 2021 and all the good works that He has placed before us, our greatest ‘goal’ is to do all things together with Him, abiding in His love, walking in his way of peace.
-A Pioneers worker serving in East Africa.
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