North of New Dehli

9 Oct 2017

India is the birthplace of several world religions. Hinduism is the largest, with about 650 million followers. Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism also owe their origins to India. India’s Muslim population exceeds 100 million, making it one of the four largest Muslim populations in the world. From turbulent cities to remote mountain villages there remains desperate need for the Gospel.

Shaving heads of men and young boys in India can be seen after the passing away of an elderly relative. The act is known as Tonsure and in Hinduism the underlying concept is that your hair is a symbolic offering to the gods, showing your grief for the departed. With that said, perhaps in this case the boy and his family simply prefer short hair!

As widows gather together for a prayer meeting a woman calls upon the name of the Lord.

It has been speculated that it became common for Hindu women to cover their heads after the Muslim invasions around 1200 ce. The practice has a practical application of shielding one from the heat in the summer and cold in the winter.

In the United States eggs produced in factory farms must be power-washed. This practice removes a natural layer of protection and requires them to be refrigerated. Washing eggs prior to sale is not widely practiced in India and thus refrigeration is not mandatory to keep them from spoiling.

Lasting from July to September, the monsoon season is dominated by a humid southwest summer monsoon which slowly sweeps across the country. The Himalayan states which are most temperate, follow a Hindu calendar with 6 seasons based on the astronomical division of the twelve months into six parts.

Uniforms are meant to bring upon equality amongst students respective of money, caste, religion and region. At this school the children line up for inspection each morning. The Indian government does not prohibit the children to have religious symbols, so Muslim girls can wear the hijab and Sikh boys a turban.

Pictured are arches of the Hall of Public Audience, part of the historical fort city of Agra in Uttar Pradesh. The fort was the site of a battle during the Indian rebellion of 1857, which caused the end of the British East India Company’s rule in India, and led to a century of direct rule of India by Britain.

In a rugged region north of New Delhi, blind students board at a school and show remarkable perseverance in studying Braille. This school, which has several blind instructors, has such quality education that sighted children come from neighboring districts to study there as well.

With dental practice being predominately a private enterprise, data on the provisions of oral healthcare services is difficult to ascertain. However, it is noted that disparities exist between urban areas, where modern lifestyles draw medical professionals, and rural areas, where the majority of the population resides.

With space at a premium and reduced hours of sunlight during rainy season, aluminum roofs make for an attractive location to flat dry the days laundry.

Here are 9 reasons to pray for the people of India.

  1. Population. 1 out of 6 people on earth lives in India. India’s population is continuing to grow and is anticipated to exceed China’s population to become the world’s most populated nation within 15 years.
  2. Children. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me.” Almost ½ of India’s population is made up of children under the age of 18. And 1 in every 5 children on earth is born in India.
  3. Social Injustice & Oppression. India is a land of tremendous needs. Men, women, and children suffer from caste discrimination, female infanticide, bride burning, slavery, human trafficking, child labor, and religious prostitution, and more.
  4. Extreme Poverty. Almost 75% of people in India live on less than $3.00 a day. Families go hungry and suffer from malnutrition. And without an education, most have no hope for a brighter future.
  5. Illiteracy. Over 273 million adults in India are illiterate. 1 in every 4 adults is unable to read or write. Illiterate adults are more likely to fall prey to human trafficking. Illiteracy is passed from parents to children, perpetuating the cycle of poverty for generations.
  6. Superstition. Many Indians follow Hinduism and are desperate to appease the gods. Fearfully, many consult witch doctors and village priests to learn which sacrifices and rituals are necessary to appease the gods. In certain areas, a woman may be blamed for a family’s illness, crop failure, or a dry well and may then be accused of practicing black magic. The possible consequences may involve abuse, torture, and even death.
  7. Searching. India is the birthplace of some of the world’s major religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Known as a land of spirituality and philosophy, India is a land searching for truth.
  8. Unreached. India has almost 2,000 unreached people groups. With 400+ million who have never heard the name of Jesus, India is the most unreached nation in the world. China comes in second, with 456 unreached people groups.
  9. Persecution. India is ranked in the top 25 countries where Christians are facing the most persecution. Hatred against Christians is instigated by anti-Christian extremists. Reports of beatings of pastors and church members are frequent. In some instances, Christians are killed for their faith.


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