New Year – New Idea
27 Jan 2022
New Year’s resolutions are opportunities for change and improvement. A chance to do something different, something new. What fresh ideas are you looking to implement as you look ahead to 2022? Fact: a staggering 90% of the promises people make on New Year’s Eve will be abandoned before the end of January!
Apparently, the five most popular New Year’s resolutions in descending order are…
- exercise to get in shape (that’s me!)
- diet to lose weight (I wish!)
- save money (yep!)
- eat healthier (note to self: don’t get fries with the burger)
- do something to prioritise selfcare (which kinda links to all the above)
Despite how hard it is to follow through on commitments, knowing what we want to achieve helps us concentrate our efforts, sharpen priorities, go deeper, do better, make a difference.

Here’s a new idea for the new year. Ask the Lord to show you His plan for the nations and take a step to engage with that plan in a new way in 2022. Don’t ask about His plan for you, but about His plan for lost peoples of the world. Then do something unlike things you have previously done.
What could you do that’s different? Read a missionary biography. Speak with your church leader about cross-cultural ministry. Grab a coffee with a Pioneers mission mentor and explore steps you can take to serve in a part of the world where your skills and gifts are in short supply. Plan to financially support a missionary serving in some hard place somewhere in the world. And lots of other things.
Ask God to show you if you should be prioritising something new this time around. And, if you want to talk mission, we are here for you.
Is God calling you to join the mission field? Get in touch.