Mentoring for Missions
21 Jan 2019
You are not alone on this journey
When Ted Fletcher, who with his wife Peggy founded Pioneers, asked: “What will it take to reach Saudi Arabia for Christ? What will it take to see Saudi Arabians and Kurds and Fulani and Sundanese worshipping around the throne of God someday, bowing…to the holy and righteous King of kings?” The answer came: “Bold men and women who hear the footsteps of God when He comes calling in their lives.”

Today men and women – in many ways ordinary, yet with faith and courage – leave home to become channels of blessing among countless peoples of the world. Some of these ‘ordinary heroes’ join Pioneers. Our goal is to proclaim the gospel, make disciples and plant churches among unreached peoples – groups who have not yet heard or understood the message of God’s love in Jesus Christ. Some people are go-ers. This is what mobilisation at Pioneers is all about. When God stirs hearts, our mission mentors come alongside inquirers, in partnership with their churches, to help join the dots as they discern their place and contribution in God’s mission to the world. We strive to help go-ers go well.
And some stay home, walking a different path of obedience – praying, encouraging, supporting and helping missionaries to prepare well and stay the course for the sake of God’s glory. We seek to help senders send well.
God has uniquely shaped every human being with gifts, skills and experiences for the glory of His holy name and the benefit of others. What a strange world it would be if we were all the same! Rather, we thank the Lord for his creative genius in creating each individual differently. And we praise Him for those who go and for those who sustain the work of global mission from home.

Dave is a go-er. His church leader is a sender. We first met Dave in 2014 with his pastor in a non-descript coffee shop. As we spoke, getting to know each other, our first collaborative steps toward mission engagement were taken. Over time, we discovered where God was leading him and, together, helped him think about his readiness for long-term mission activity. We explored questions to sharpen focus, suggested activities to enhance outcomes, watched God at work in his life, and connected him with a team already serving in the country dear to his heart. Our relationship wasn’t about ‘ticking boxes’. It was about Dave, his church and Pioneers linking arms to ‘train right’ and ‘pack well’. It centred on helping Dave to better understand himself as his character developed and his humility matured and his faith deepened. This journey was designed to help him grow in faith so that he would be prepared to weather difficulties, learn language, understand culture, and love unreached people. Dave has been sharing the love of Jesus in SE Asia since.
Is Pioneers perfect? Hardly! Does Pioneers have its weaknesses? You bet. Will it be easy? Experience tells me it won’t be. But if you connect with Pioneers, you are not alone on the journey. We are in this together: you, your church, family and friends, and Pioneers. Obedience is costly. Even dangerous. What will it take see Saudi Arabians and Kurds and Fulani and Sundanese worshipping around the throne of God someday, bowing to the holy and righteous King of kings? Bold men and women who hear the footsteps of God when He comes calling in their lives.
Let’s go together.
-Ray Notley, Pioneers Mobilisation Team Leader.
Is God calling you to join the mission field? Get in touch.