Role Description


A mission mentor serves as a catalyst and companion to
those sensing a call to global mission, guiding them from their first
contact with Pioneers to their launch into a ministry team.

Are you energised by rich conversations?
Does your heart long for least-reached peoples to hear the gospel?

Join a dynamic team of like-minded people serving across the country as part of an ever-expanding
international ministry. At Pioneers Australia we are passionate about the declaration of God’s glory
among all nations, and the gospel reaching those with the least access to it. Our mentors for mission
(AKA mobilisers) have the privilege of engaging in creative and compelling means to inform,
motivate and encourage those on a journey into mission.

Role Description

The Mentor for Mission (Sydney) will mentor, coach and guide people in Sydney and NSW through
steps of enquiry, discovery, discernment, application and preparation for cross-cultural gospel


– Using creative means to generate new interest in global missions and Pioneers
– Conversations with new enquirers exploring missions
– Guiding those sensing a call to missions through steps of discernment, application to Pioneers
and pre-field preparation
– Presence at bible colleges and other campus groups in Sydney to engage with students
– Liaising with Pioneers field leaders, to facilitate team exploration and acceptance
– Engagement with the Australian church in partnering to send workers
– Working collaboratively within the Mobilisation Team


– Passion for those in other cultures yet to hear the gospel
– Conviction that the global church has a responsibility to engage in the Great Commission
– Good interpersonal skills
– Ability to travel within NSW to visit churches and those being mobilised
– Effective digital communication skills on multiple platforms
– Current active participation in a church fellowship
– Cross-cultural experience is desirable.

Role Parameters
This is a Sydney-based full-time role (.8 is negotiable). It combines some hours working from home
with most hours engaged in face-to-face and online connections with people.

For enquiries or to apply for this role, please contact Suzanne North on or 0425 884 033.
A full Position Description is available on request.