Jesus in the Temples
13 Mar 2024
Whilst some friends from the UK were visiting we went to a historic temple that had an area for ‘asking a monk a question’. We took the opportunity to meet one of the monks and ask him questions about Buddhism. It was the first time I’d ever done this and I honestly know little of Buddhism except for what I have observed. It was interesting to hear that he came from a home where one parent was Christian and one parent was Buddhist.
He chose to become a monk because in his village the priest would frequently get drunk and the locals would rescue him. But he also said he wouldn’t be a monk forever and wouldn’t consider himself to be Buddhist! He likes to follow the philosophies that Buddhism offers. He also gets free a university education whilst being a monk and explained that it’s the only way some people can get an education.
It makes me wonder how many other monks are in the same predicament. I am challenged to speak with more monks (when permissible, as sometimes they cannot speak with women) to hear their stories. It also reminds me of the need for discipleship both here and worldwide. As Jesus said in Matthew 9:37-38: “Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” Please continue to pray for God to send out more workers to carry this out in Asia. Pray also for this monk, that he would be drawn back to Jesus and find abundant life in Him alone.

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