God Doesn’t Need You!
10 Jun 2020
This COVID lockdown has brought many challenges, but one of the unexpected joys was watching Colin Buchanan’s live Facebook videos with my family. We’d gather around the TV and sing along with all our favourites. We even did the actions!
“My God is so big, so strong and so mighty. There’s nothing my God cannot do!”
We all love to sing about the greatness and glory of God. We celebrate his absolute power over all things (even viruses). But when it comes to talking about mission, it sometimes sounds like we doubt God’s greatness.
“Come and share the gospel with those who won’t hear it otherwise!”
“Just give a year, or two! There’s so much to do!”
“You need to serve in global mission!”
Sometimes it sounds like God can’t do it without us. He needs our help. He’s desperate for us to leave our comfortable life and all the things we enjoy to serve him.
It’s like we have shrunk God into a needy deity who can’t achieve his global plans without us. But the wonderful thing is, God doesn’t need you. And he doesn’t need me. The God of the Bible doesn’t need anything.
When Isaiah was given a vision of the Lord seated High and exalted with all the heavenly beings bowing down and worshipping, he fell on his face in fear. He recognised his own need before an all-powerful God (Isaiah 6:1-5).
When Peter saw the power of Jesus evident from the miraculous catch of fish he fell at Jesus knees and said ‘Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man.’ (Luke 5:1-8)
Our God doesn’t need our help. He is powerfully at work among all nations drawing people to himself. He is building a heavenly church with a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language proclaiming His glory and power (Revelations 7:9-17).
He doesn’t need us, but the incredible thing is he invites us to join him. What an amazing privilege.
The God of heaven calls you and I to play a role in the transformation of the nations. He is bringing those who are dead in their sin back to life through the glorious message of the gospel. He works through us and we love, serve, and speak because that is what we were made for.
We can share in the joy of the angels as we see individuals saved, unreached peoples restored and nations transformed.
Don’t serve in mission because people need your help. Don’t go to unreached peoples just because God has commanded us. Rather hear God’s invitation to join Him and share in His joy as His word goes out.
This is not a burden to be borne, but a privilege to be embraced!
-Tim Silberman, Vice Chair Pioneers of Australia.
Is God calling you to join the mission field? Get in touch.