Welcome to Pioneers Australia where we value passion for God as we seek to help people take the Good News of Jesus to least reached places of the world. Take some time to read about where those least reached places are and why should we all consider playing a role in serving the nations.

Where is God calling you to go?

Today, there are more than 6,000 people groups around our world with little or no access to the gospel. Some have no Bible or other Christians to explain in their language who Jesus is. Many of these peoples live in North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, West Asia, Northern India and parts of East Asia. Hear why we prioritise these unreached and unengaged peoples.

We would love to hear your story. Arrange to meet up with one of our mission mentors

What’s important to us? Our Core Values

What are our cross-cultural workers up to? Read stories from the field

Want to pray for unreached peoples? Prayercast

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Contact one of our mission mentors