Recommended Reading List

When God Comes Calling
by Ted Fletcher
‘When God Comes Calling’ is a story about a man who had achieved remarkable success, but wasn’t content. Ted had a vision for the world; that people everywhere would learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Why should some hear the life-giving message many times before some have the chance to hear it once?”, he asked.

Hudson Taylor and Maria
by John Pollock
The story of Hudson Taylor is one of adventure and excitement – of improbable answers to prayer, opposition from the establishment and triumphs of faith. Even more interesting is the story of the relationship at the heart of it all – the story of Hudson and Maria Taylor.

My Seventh Monsoon
by Naomi Reed
From the view point of her seventh monsoon, Naomi Reed takes time to look back on the seasons of her life. As she does so, she shares with us her journey of faith and mission and reveals poignant truths about God and the way he works his purposes in our lives through seasons.

When The Lights Go Out
by Graham Cooke
Do you feel sometimes as though God is wonderfully present – blessing, encouraging, loving you? But then you experience times when He seems remote and silent? Be encouraged, says Graham Cooke, because this is God’s way of helping you learn to walk with Him.

Through Gates of Splendor
by Elisabeth Elliot
This is a 1957 best selling book which tells the story of Operation Auca, an attempt by five American missionaries – Jim Elliot (the author’s husband), Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, Nate Saint, and Roger Youderian – to reach the Huaorani tribe of eastern Ecuador. All five of the men were killed by the tribe.

Lords of the Earth
by Don Richardson
Engulfed in the darkness of Irian Jaya’s Snow Mountains live the Yali, naked cannibals who call themselves lords of the earth. Yet, in spite of their boldness, they live in terror and bondage to the women-hating, child-despising gods they serve. Missionary Stan Dale dared to enter their domain and be an instrument to change their future.

Warriors of Ethiopia
by Richard McLellan
This book recounts the stories of just some of the hundreds of peasant farmers from Southern Ethiopia who God called to take the Gospel message into previously inaccessible regions, to people so fierce they would not hesitate to kill an outsider.

Peace Child
by Don Richardson
In 1962, Don and Carol Richardson risked their lives to share the gospel with the Sawi people of New Guinea. Peace Child tells their unforgettable story of living among these headhunters and cannibals, who valued treachery through fattening victims with friendship before the slaughter. God gave Don and Carol the key to the Sawi hearts via a redemptive analogy from their own mythology.

Tested by Fire
by John Piper
Great privilege. Great pain. This is God’s way: to take the privilege of faith and strengthen it with real trials so that we worship and witness with a greater passion for God. John Piper reveals the fruit of suffering in the lives of John Bunyan, William Cowper and David Brainerd.

The Life and Diary of David Brainerd
by Jonathan Edwards and Philip E Howard, Jr
David Brainerd (1718–1747) was an American missionary to the Native Americans who had a particularly fruitful ministry among the Delaware Indians of New Jersey. During his short life he was beset by many difficulties. As a result, his biography has become a source of inspiration and encouragement to many Christians.

1000 Cups of Tea Gospel Fluency Across Cultures
by Preston Fidler
This book is a newly published! If you are interested in diving deeper into the world of language, culture, and relationships and how to engage your context missionally, take a look at this!

Live in Tents – Build Only Altars: Gilbert McArthur – His Story
by David Price
“This is a significant evaluative biography of an effective mid-20th century missionary grappling with the changing dynamics of mission in the transition from pioneers to parents to partners in the relations between service agencies and the younger churches. It is a must read for any missionary candidate; any theology student or Christian involved in inter-cultural ministry today; and any informed Christian or supporter of mission seeking to grasp the ways of God in reaching our contemporary world.” (John Hitchen, Honorary Research Fellow, Laidlaw Graduate School, Laidlaw College, Auckland)