Less Important, but Vastly More Precious

7 Oct 2024

Do you remember during the pandemic when we all said, ‘‘I can’t wait until this is over and everything is back to normal’’? I look back on that and laugh at myself – what is normal anyway? I find that the world is a different place now, not just from the pandemic, but because of social changes, environmental changes and many more. I am in Australia for home assignment at the moment, and I realise that the country I have returned to is different to the one I left. The person who left Australia is different to the one who has returned. Yet as I share with churches about what God is doing on the field, I realise that whatever is going on in the world, God is working the same as He always has, in complete control of everything. We fight for some changes and fight against others, but in the end, change will happen despite or because of us. But none of these changes are out of God’s hands.

As I reflect on my previous term, I can see how God has changed and grown me. There have been times of great rejoicing and times of deep sorrow. There have been times of quiet rest and times of hard work. Times of fellowship and times of loneliness. Times when I feel like I am crushing it and times when I feel a complete failure. Yet through it all, God is sovereign and present. His love never fails. He weeps and rejoices with me. He gives me gifts of both rest and work. He gives me good people for fellowship and is enough for me when I am alone. He doesn’t care whether I succeed or fail – His love is constant. God has taught me that I am less important and more precious than I can ever know. This is because He is a constant Father. He does not judge me on my success or failures. He does not judge me on my theological prowess. He does not judge me on my mission strategies. He invites me to love and be loved because I am a precious child of His. God is a constant Father and His greatest command never changes:

‘Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all
your mind’.
Matthew 22:37

AM | Pioneers Member

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