He Answers (Part Three)

30 Jan 2017

“The person you have called is not available, please try again later, or leave a message after the tone”. Don’t you just hate it when you really want to talk to someone and you hear that recording. You’ll never be put on hold, screened, or swiped left when you call out to God. Although it seems too amazing to be true, the Creator of the universe is always listening out for you. And will answer your call.

East African Island

One aspect of our ministry is a Christian school that serves our local, very multi-faith community. Over the past 12 months we could see that we really needed an experienced educator very soon to help oversee the next phase of school growth, with our two heads of Primary and Secondary, and so we were praying diligently for a Principal, and the LORD answered much faster than we anticipated!

North West Africa

God has answered many prayers for me this last 6 months. Recently it was that everything worked out exactly right, lots of things coming together, to get me back to Australia to have the surgery I needed.  I fitted in all the appointments with doctors and surgeons, the results are good, and I am now able to get back to the school in Africa where I serve on time.

Central Asia

While going on home leave, one of the things I was praying about was my project load.  I LOVE my project, and feel blessed to be doing what I am, yet there is so much more that I want to do in each area, make it better, have more time with the people I work with, but there was just not enough time and I was exhausted.  A new couple has now come into our NGO, and the wife is qualified and able to take over one area of the project.  I will now be able to focus on the other areas, she will do a wonderful job in that area, and we will both have more time to focus on people.  Praise God!  For His glory!

North West Africa

Still waiting…praying for language acquisition seems to be never-ending. Sometimes it seems impossible to believe that we’ll ever know enough language to be able to share God’s love with the people around us. In the midst of this however, we’re thankful for God’s continual reminder that just by being here and showing up for class every day, we’re being obedient. Somehow, even in the small and mundane things, we can still bring glory to His name.


Our seven year old daughter complained recently that Jesus never speaks to her. We explained that most often He speaks through the bible and then prayed about it. That same night He spoke to her in a dream, affirming her for speaking up for Him at school.

North West Africa

A really quick and timely answer to prayer is our car. A car wasn’t in our budget, and when we realised that we were going to need one as soon as we arrived on location, we were anxious about how to go about buying one when we were not even in the country, and where the money would come from. We started praying. Shortly afterwards, a friend heard of a car being sold and contacted us straight away. In God’s good timing, the Australian Govt realised that they’d shortchanged us significantly over the previous years, and sent us a cheque large enough to cover most of the cost! Two supporting churches, and family members, chipped in to cover the rest – thank you Lord!

South East Asia

There had been signposts for some years that God had a deeper work to do in my heart. A way opened for me to get some input at a recent Pioneers gathering. A practical obstacle almost prevented my wife and I from getting there, but God impressed on my beloved our need to pray specifically to overcome this obstacle. God’s near miraculous answer indicated He was preparing something special. At the gathering, various threads from the last fifty years came together to compose a deeply profound picture of His eternal love and purposes for me.  The awesome truths of Ephesians 1:3-14 now explode like fireworks with light and brilliant, beautiful meaning!

East Asia

We don’t really like asking for funds from our supporters, but when the giving for the last couple of months fell way below budget, we finally sent a newsletter asking our supporters to pray about the situation. We had a few friends who emailed us asking how they could help. We also saw some photos on Facebook of something going on at our church, some coffee making and deserts selling. It was only later that someone told us our church had actually organised a fund-raiser for us. It was a lovely and unexpected gesture: encouraging not only in terms of the actual funds that were raised, but that our brothers and sisters would go to that extent to help us. God is good.

Middle East

We have just returned from a short survey trip to Djibouti in East Africa, and we are praising Him for answers to our prayers and the prayers of many others. It seems God is opening doors for us (and hopefully others) to start a team there.  Our desire is to bring the good news to the suffering people of a country we call ‘Needyland’, an extremely unreached Arab country currently in the midst of war. While we wait for the door to open there, we can work with migrants and refugees from ‘Needyland’ in Djibouti. We are so grateful for this open door to meet physical and spiritual needs among this precious group of people. Praise be to Him for opening the way!

Do you know a missionary?  Why not pray for them right now?  And to regularly pray for them make sure you are receiving their news updates with their prayer points, and their stories of how God is answering.

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