Jesus, Easter Eggs, and Marvel Movies
20 Apr 2019
It was one of those days when you’ve got an endless ‘To do’ list but you just ignore it. I was cosy, had my PJs on and couldn’t be bothered to get off my comfy couch. After a couple of hours doing practically nothing, my husband arrived and asked me if I wanted to watch the latest Marvel movie. I immediately thought about the Easter eggs that would be hidden in this movie and how they would give clues to what will happen in the next one – I know, the directors of these movies are absolute geniuses.
It’s Easter weekend and I cannot help but think about how God has placed Easter eggs in the Bible too! The Lord says that ‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.’ (Matthew 13:44a). When I read my Bible, it feels like treasure hunting sometimes, especially when I can make the connection between prophesies presented in the Old Testament and how they are fulfilled in the New Testament. Did you know that the probability of somebody fulfilling just eight prophesies is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 [1]? There is only one person in the entire history of Humankind that has been able to do this – a hint: He died and conquered death to give you and me the chance to be saved and reconciled with our Father. His name is Jesus – the centre of our faith whose blood cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7). We can read about Jesus’s resurrection in the Old Testament in Job 19:23-27 and find that these verses connect with John 5:24-29 in the New Testament. The same happens with the abandonment that Jesus experienced, Psalm 31:11 connecting with Mark 14:50. Or when people plotted against Him described in both Psalm 31:13 and Matthew 27:1. When you delve into the Word of God and go ‘treasure hunting’, you might be surprised by what you discover, and you always end up spiritually richer than when you started.
Unlike Marvel movies, our hero will never die and will always love us because He paid the highest price to redeem us, how’s that for proof of love? ‘But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing” (Galatians 3:13a). I encourage you to read God’s love letters – AKA the Bible – to get to know Jesus and build a strong and deep relationship with Him. Sometimes you only need to get off your couch (comfort zone), grab your basket (anything you may need) and start collecting those Easter eggs – God’s treasure – hidden in the most fascinating stories ever written. May we never forget the real reason for our celebration – the resurrected King.
– Lyn.