Join us in praying for the AMERICAS
Pray for the spiritual needs of Mexico, for Mike, Vanessa, Aaron, Angela and their children
Ninety-five percent of Mexicans identify as Christian. Many are cultural Catholics and blend Christianity with traditional pagan beliefs. There remains a great need for this Christian majority to replace cultural faith with a vibrant and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Although Protestantism is increasingly, but still not completely, accepted. About 8% are evangelical. Pray for acceptance for evangelicals, in southern states such as Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Guerrero, who do not participate in pagan rituals. The Evangelical Church is growing and stands in great need of discipleship, sound Biblical doctrine, and strong Christian leadership.
- Pray for the love and forgiveness of Jesus to overpower strongholds that are against God’s ways.
- Pray for government leaders.
- Pray for radical discipleship.
- Pray for Mike and Vanessa and their children as they seek to make disciples who make disciples, especially among the surfing community.
- Pray for Aaron and Angela and their children as they learn language and culture. Ask for the Lord’s direction for their place of service.